
Published – Today’s Bride

So the current issue of Today’s Bride is particularly exciting for us… and although it’s only one photo, and although it’s on the smaller side we couldn’t be happier that Lindsey + Christophe have been featured in the “Real Weddings” section!

Todays Bride Geminie Photography Published Lindsey Christophe

Lindsey Thomsen and Christophe Measson were married at Le Select Bistro in Toronto before 50 guests. The groom, a pastry chef, is from France, so they couldn’t resist emphasizing the French theme. An entire team brought the theme together with flowers by Stemz, makeup by Jennifer Gibeau, a Nanette Lepore dress from Holt Renfrew and suit by Strellson. Photography by Cristina and Laszlo Alt of Geminie Photography.

I realized I need to really put our work out there, even though editors may say no, even though rejection stings, I know our couples, their stories and their images are worth the risk.

Geminie Photograhy Le Select Toronto Wedding Photos

