I have stepped away from this blog, immersed in the daily rhythms of life at home with 2 littles and searching for that elusive balance. Balance between work, mothering, educating, learning and the myriad of other tugs and pulls that compete for attention. This space was lovingly created and re-created and has housed so many personal memories and the stories and photos of our dear clients. I treasure each image on this blog and website and although I haven’t written much here or updated frequently this blog and our work here hasn’t been far from my thoughts. I’ve avoided writing this post out of a fear of letting go, letting go of what we’ve built and a fear of being seen as a failure.
I’ve recently come to the realization that it is only our own perception of our life that I need to be concerned with, and that the opinions of others should have no weight in our decision making process. Wedding photography has give us both so much joy, so many connections and we’ve grown and learned so much over the years. But it is no longer something that we wish to pursue, the editing, the countless hours in front of the screen, the booked up weekends, the negatives outweigh the positives for us now to justify continuing to book wedding commissions. I want to live an authentic life, and that means constantly re-evaluating where we are, how we feel, and if we’re being true to our dreams and goals.
It’s hard to let go of something familiar, to admit that something that once brought so much joy and excitement is not anymore, as a gemini through and through it’s also freeing and exciting to realize it is no longer working for us, no longer serving us and that it’s okay to move on to try something new.
There is beauty and freedom in change, in analyzing honestly where we are now, where we dream of being in a year, 5 years, what kind of life we want to surround our girls with and in moving forward in that direction.
We’ve opted out of public school for our girls and we’re allowing them the freedom to pursue their interests at their own pace, the freedom of unstructured time and the joy that comes from living a simpler, less hurried life.
We would still love to photograph families and couples (no need to be recently engaged, beautiful photos of you and your love shouldn’t be reserved for just once in your life)
Over the next few weeks we’ll slowly re-organize this space to reflect these changes. I also wanted to thank each and every one of our clients, friends and family that have supported us and our business and have contributed to where we are today. It’s been a fantastic journey and I’m thankful for every step and everyone who was a part of it.
I’m excited and nervous to move away from weddings but I know this is what is best for our family right now.
Just because every post is better with a photo (or 3) here’s our girls now at 5 years old and 17 months.
