
I love spring, the air is fresh and change feels so good. After our crazy long winter, this spring is feeling especially sweeter! Amina decided she wanted a change and this is what she went with:


She absolutely loves her new cut!


And I love seeing her so confident in herself.




I’m so happy that I followed my curiosity, that I wasn’t scared of failure, that I first picked up a camera and decided that I would do whatever it takes to learn to create beautiful images. Today and tomorrow and 20, 30, 40+ years from now I know this feeling will only intensify. Because of them:


Amina- “mom it looks like a crown, she’s a princess”

Because I can freeze time for a second, document what I see and create a back-up for my memories (let’s face it I’m the most forgetful person ever)! And because of our beautiful clients, the families that come to us with their stories, their love and we have the privilege of freezing time for them too πŸ™‚

When was the last time you took time for family photos?

(And speaking of family photos… I know we really really need to update the Meet Us page! I can’t wait for spring to come)



Take Time…

To enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, or maybe even a slow dance with your love… even on one of the busiest, craziest days of your lives.


Reflecting back on the summer we’ve had, I’m happy to say that things moved a little slower, we had more beach days, more mornings with no alarm clocks, and more days enjoying our little family of three. Fall/winter is going to bring a lot of changes, and I’m glad we took some time this summer to just enjoy each other’s company a little more.



We’re not ones to shy away from new experiences and we are thrilled that Ashley and Brad chose us to document their destination (but-not-quite-so-far-away) nuptials in Belleville this past weekend.

But we were a little floored when Ashley suggested climbing a majestic willow tree minutes away from the ceremony site. So here is our beautiful bride, in heels, in a beautiful willow tree:


More to come soon!

p.s. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Austin πŸ™‚

The countdown is on for Ashley & Brad’s wedding (less than a month away!) and we were so happy that the rain finally abated so we could squeeze in their engagement session.

We took a trip up to Cullen Gardens in Whitby and wish we could have stayed longer. This was such a beautiful location and very special to them both, but the images will show you better than I can explain:






We wanted sun and we got it, it was super hot out so we took a little trek through the forest. The light was peeking through the trees so perfectly:




Cooling off in the little creek was just what we all needed.



We spotted these tall cedars just before the entrance to the park and knew we had to take a few photos surrounded by them (reminds of the tall trees in Italy :P):


Love this. Ashley you are gorgeous!


It was a pleasure photographing you both and we’re so excited for August!!


